Our Projects

GFD’s programme themes are drawn from its strategic plan and promotes the fundamental human rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities in Ghana. Currently, there are 7 key thematic areas of GFD’s programme implementation:

  • Organizational Development (OD)
  • Inclusive Employment Programme
  • Health Programme
  • Inclusive Education Programme
  • Governance Programme
  • Sports
  • Monitoring implementation of international human rights mechanisms, policies and processes such as UPR, VNR, GDS, CRPD, SDGs. Gender is a cross-cutting issues and carefully considered in all programmes and projects.

Our Past Projects

The GFD has over the years implemented several interventions in the form of projects and programmes to promote the rights of persons with disabilities in Ghana. Projects have been the major avenue through which specific issues about the rights and development of persons with disabilities, as well as member organisations of persons with disabilities, have been dealt with in Ghana. They are also significant sources of funding and technical resources that have helped to sustain the operations of the organisation. The most significant of these interventions (projects and programmes) have been listed below:

This project was implemented at the national level and in 24 districts across 7 regions (BA, Northern, Upper East, Upper West, Ashanti, Western and Greater Accra). It was a ten-year project involving the direct participation of four (4) of GFD’s member organisations namely the Ghana society of the physically disabled; Ghana blind union, Ghana National Association of the Deaf and Inclusion Ghana. Each of these member organisations managed aspects of the project related to their constituent members and sector of disability with the GFD performing a coordination role and also directly dealt with cross-disability issues, particularly relating to organisational strengthening of the branches, promoting joint governance structures, and leading in cross-cutting disability advocacy issues.

The joint project was supported by the Danish government through DANIDA with the Disabled People’s Organisation of Denmark (DPOD) being our bilateral sister organisation.  The project was implemented in three phases. Phase one spans 2008-2012, phase two was from 2012 to 2018 and the final phase was implemented and completed in 2019. There was an inception phase which last from 2008 to the end of 2010. The project achieved the following:

  • Strengthened local branches in 24 districts to provide quality leadership in advocating the rights of persons with disabilities across the country.
  • The disability movement became vibrant and led in advocating key legislative reforms in Ghana including the ratification of the UNCRPD, exemptions for persons with disabilities under the national health insurance scheme and advocating the establishment of the 2% (later increased to 3%) common fund for persons with disabilities. Access to the common fund for persons with disabilities was facilitated and over 5,000 people benefited from the fund across the 24 project districts.

Through a collaboration with the Ghana Health Service, this project was implemented between 2018 and 2020, reaching out to over 2,000 persons with disabilities with SRH promotional messages through the media, community durbars and information sharing workshops. The project enabled GFD to undertake research into issues around access to sexual health services and reproductive health rights of persons with disabilities to support evidence-based advocacy. It was supported by Amplify change in the UK.

Increasing the participation of persons with disabilities in Ghana (2015-2017). This two-year activity was implemented as part of USAID’s support to the GFD to strengthen its capacity to support initiatives that advocated the rights of persons with disabilities to participate in society. Through this project, regional networks of organisations of people with disabilities were established and supported to coordinate the activities of local branches of the OPDs, draw strategic action plans and increased the visibility of organisations of persons with disabilities in the media space along with the issues that needed attention. There was a legal education component to the project which enabled over 1,000 persons with disabilities to be trained in fundamental concepts of human rights, the CRPD provisions and how to advance the course of justice for those whose Human rights are violated contrary to provisions in the CRPD and Ghana’s domestic laws.

  1. Advocacy for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights Of Persons With Disabilities (CRPD) project (2015-2019).

Under a funding sponsorship by the Open Society for West Africa (OSWA), the GFD worked with partners such as the LADA Institute and Mind Freedom Ghana to promote effective implementation of the UN CRPD. The focus of this project was on getting the government of Ghana to draw a road map plan of implementation for the CRPD, set up a country coordination mechanism and properly designate institutions to report on the status of implementation of the provisions in the CRPD.  The project succeeded in getting the National council for persons with disabilities to initiate moves within government to pursue the goal of a roadmap for the CRPD implementation.

  1. Advocating increased resources for the implementation of Ghana’s inclusive education policy project.

This was a UNICEF Ghana supported project which was implemented in 10 districts across the country. The project targeted building evidence through research and policy brief development for evidence-based advocacy to increase budgetary allocation to the IE policy implementation. Community-level sensitisation and awareness were raised through durbars and media campaigns which encouraged parents to enrol their children with disabilities in schools.

  1. Leave no woman behind project.

This project was supported by Netherlands based organisation called VOICE and jointly implemented with partners in Kenya and Mali who are members of the Global Call for Action Against Poverty (GCAP). GFD was the lead organisation in the implementation of the project. It involved a series of activism in Ghana and at the global level to promote the inclusion of women and girls with disabilities in programmes aimed at achieving the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). 


Ongoing Projects

Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations (GFD), formerly known as Ghana Federation of the Disabled now, was established in 1987 as a national umbrella of organisations of persons with disabilities with the full legal status under the laws of Ghana

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