WHO calls for greater attention to violence against women with disabilities and older women

WHO calls for greater attention to violence against women with disabilities and older women

Older women and women with disabilities face particular risk of abuse, yet their situation is largely hidden in most global and national violence-related data, according to two new publications released today by the World Health Organization (WHO). The health agency is calling for better research across countries that will help ensure these women are counted,…

Fidelity Bank Interacts with Mothers of Children with Disabilities on Valentine’s Day

Fidelity Bank Interacts with Mothers of Children with Disabilities on Valentine’s Day

In a heartwarming gesture, Fidelity Bank Ghana’s Accra East Sector dedicated their Valentine’s Day morning to interacting with mothers of children with disabilities. Drawn from various support groups, these mothers shared their experiences and advocated for greater support systems. Mrs. Hannah Awadzi, Executive Director of the Special Mothers Project and event chair, applauded Fidelity Bank’s…

Persons with Disabilities undergo Capacity Building Training.

Persons with Disabilities undergo Capacity Building Training.

The Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations (GFD) has organised a capacity-building training programme aimed at educating about 60 participants with the knowledge about their disability rights under the Ghana Persons with Disabilities Act, Act 715. The four-day programme seeks to, among other things, empower women and girls as well as Leaders of Organisations of Persons…